Parent Advisory Council

Parent Advisory Council (PAC)

The Parent Advisory Council is your parent community at Howe Middle School.  Our parent community works closely with the administration and staff to support, encourage, and provide assistance to enhance the quality of education and well-being for all students at Howe.  Our PAC meetings will be held in the School Library Learning Commons (Room 200). Facebook page.

Parents can connect with our PAC by email at

2023-24 PAC Executive

  • President:  Manjeet Gill
  • Vice-President:   Amarech Beauregard
  • Treasurer:   John Surabathula
  • DPAC Rep:  vacant
  • Fundraising Co-ordinator:  Raman Gill

PAC Meeting Dates for 2023-24:

  • completed for 2023-24. Next years dates will be added when available. 

PAC Position Descriptions:

The President (Chair) will: 

  • be a member of the Executive 
  • speak on behalf of the Council 
  • consult with Council members 
  • convene and preside at all general, special and executive meetings 
  • ensure that an agenda is prepared 
  • appoint committees where authorized by the membership or executive 
  • ensure that the Council is represented in school and district activities 
  • know the constitution and ensure it is followed 
  • ensure that Council activities are aimed at achieving the purposes set out in the constitution 
  • approve or prepare PAC bulletins, information sheets and correspondence 
  • be a welcoming and inclusive energy to all parents/volunteers 
  • be a signing officer 

The Vice-President (Vice-Chair) will: 

  • be a member of the Executive 
  • support the president 
  • assume the duties of the president in the president's absence or upon request 
  • assist the president in the performance of his or her duties 8 
  • accept extra duties as required 
  • ensure regular reviews of PAC by-laws and constitution. 
  • be a welcoming and inclusive energy to all parents/volunteers 
  • be a signing officer 

The Secretary will: 

  • be a member of the Executive 
  • ensure that members are notified of meetings 
  • attend, record and file minutes of all meetings, as well as forward the minutes to the executive for approval 
  • keep an accurate copy of the constitution and bylaws, and make copies available to members upon request 
  • prepare and maintain other documentation as requested by the membership or executive 
  • issue and receive correspondence on behalf of the Council 
  • ensure the safekeeping of all records of the Council 
  • may be a signing officer 

The Treasurer will: 

  • be a member of the Executive 
  • be one of the signing officers 
  • ensure all funds of the Council are properly accounted for 
  • ensure all monies of Council are deposited in an approved financial institution 
  • disburse funds as authorized by the membership or executive 
  • ensure that proper financial records and books of account are maintained 
  • report on all receipts and disbursements at general and executive meetings 
  • make financial records and books of account available to members upon request 
  • have the financial records and books of account ready for inspection or audit annually 
  • with the assistance of the executive, draft an annual budget 
  • ensure that another signing officer has access to the financial records and books in the treasurer's absence 
  • submit an annual financial statement at the annual general meeting 
  • prepare and submit the annual Gaming Grant Application 
  • prepare and submit the year-end report to the Gaming Branch
  • ensure that, for every PAC event, there are two persons appointed for the counting of all monies, and that no monies leave the PAC event without first being counted 

The DPAC Representative will: 

  • attend DPAC meetings to represent, speak and vote on behalf of the PAC 
  • report back to the PAC at general meetings (or will report to the executive, if a matter of urgency is presented, immediately after the DPAC meeting) 
  • seek and give input to the DPAC on behalf of the PAC
  • receive and act on all other communications from the DPAC
  • can be doubled up with another member of the Council