Student Leadership & Clubs

WEB: (Where Everyone Belongs)

Students in Gr. 6 are paired with Gr. 8 student leaders to help make the transition to middle school smooth, and successful. There are fun activities planned throughout the year!

All Stars

Our Howe All Stars are a group of grade 8 students who have been selected to run student leadership teams.  Students in grade 6 & 7 can be on the leadership teams and participate in the activities.  

Why student leadership teams?
•To give students of all abilities the opportunity to practice and enhance their leadership skills
•To develop positive student role models
•To have student-planned, student-organized, student presented events and activities in the school
•To provide opportunities for students to have voice in the school

What do we do?
•Leadership development sessions
•Coordinating, planning and supporting activities in the school
•Promoting school culture

Student Team Leader Responsibilities and Expectations
•To participate in training sessions for team leaders
•To schedule regular meetings for individual teams
•To be available to team members for support and guidance
•To report any concerns to teacher sponsor
•To submit monthly team reports at the end of the month to Ms. Abbot on the team successes, concerns and future challenges/plans
•To train, to schedule and to substitute team members into jobs
•To provide good role modeling for other students in the school

Teams and Clubs:

  • Barky's - handing out hot lunches; helping out with any concessions at events
  • Athletic Leaders - helping with morning set up of equipment for PE; setting up bleachers for school events; scorekeeping and gym set up for volleyball and basketball games
  • Green Team - rotates through all classes for school service and keeping our campus litter free.
  • Office Assistants - completing special jobs as assigned by staff; restocking the paper in the photocopy room
  • Culture Club - (Archway Community Services)- Wed at lunch

  • Beginner Guitar Club - (Mr Kauffman) - Mon after school

  • Chess Club - (Mr Kauffman) - Wed at lunch

  • Homework Club - (Mr Kauffman) Tues/Thur after school

  • Young Buskers Open Mic. - (Mr Kauffman) - Fri after school