School Fees
Due to the restrictions brought upon us by the COVID19 pandemic, school fees will be $15 for the 2021-22 school year
Fee Payment Procedures at Howe Middle
Howe Middle is now a CASH-FREE SCHOOL.
All fees must be paid through School Cash Online. Student activity fees, athletic fees, club fees, gym strip, yearbook, field trips, and Barky's cards can all be paid by the click of a button.
There are many advantages to using School Cash Online. The system is safe, quick, and efficient, parents can make multiple payments, check their child's account online, and print off any receipts they may need. Payments can be made with a credit card or e-transfer. If you need help registering or paying online, please come by or call the office.
About School Fees
The following information is provided from AP 317 which clarifies when, and for what purpose, fees and deposits may be charged, and ensure that fees and deposits do not become a barrier to participation in activities or programs because of financial hardship.
Principals/Vice-Principals will ensure that the assigning and collecting of fees and deposits conform with the following procedures:
- Curricular: Refers to instructional courses and/or programs authorized by the Ministry of Education, Locally Developed or Board Authorized leading towards graduation as set out in the ‘School Act’.
- Extra-Curricular: Refers to any school activity that is not included in the curricular offerings leading towards graduation (e.g... school events, clubs, sports clubs, student leadership activities).
- Allowable Fees, and Field Trips: Fees may be charged for school special events, clubs, sports and other extra-curricular items and/or activities not regulated in the ‘School Act’.
- Student Activity Fee for Middle and Secondary Schools: The student activity fee covers costs such as student agendas, guest speakers, student identity cards, school events, student recognition, student leadership, locks and locker rentals. The activity fee without an agenda is reduced by the cost of the agenda. Schools shall not charge for a student agenda if the agenda is to be used as a learning resource and/or for assessment purposes.
- Field Trips:
- Curricular:
- Mandatory: A field trip is deemed ‘mandatory’ when students are required to participate in order to meet specific course learning outcomes. If a classroom field trip is deemed mandatory, there is no charge to the student.
- Optional: A field trip is deemed ‘optional’ when specific learning outcomes can be attained through either a field trip or an alternate learning opportunity. A fee may be charged for an optional field trip to cover admission and transportation costs. Students who do not participate in an optional field trip will be provided with an alternate learning opportunity based on specific learning outcomes addressed in the field trip.
- Extra-curricular Field Trips: Extra-curricular field trips are not evaluated as a formal part of an educational program and a fee may be charged.
- Curricular:
- Deposits and Rentals: The school may require students (including homeschooled students) to pay a refundable deposit for “educational resource materials”. Criteria used to determine the amount of the deposit should be specified at the time the deposit is required. Refunds will be adjusted for damages or for servicing the item upon return.
- Textbooks and Workbooks: Refundable deposits may be requested for textbooks and workbooks. School-made workbooks cannot be charged to students.
- Musical Instruments: Schools may request that parent(s)/guardian(s) provide a musical instrument. Schools may charge a deposit for an instrument loaned to a student by the school.
- Personal Supplies, and Equipment: All school supply lists must be approved by the principal prior to being provided to parents. Involvement in school-authorized School Supply Purchase Programs (with either a commercial provider or by the school) must be completely optional and at the sole discretion of the parent/guardian
According to this Administrative Procedure school fees at all Middle Schools in the Abbotsford School District, including Colleen & Gordie Howe Middle, are $30. Invoices will be sent out in October.